Business Consulting Services

In providing our consulting service we believe our primary role is to empower you and your team to identify your needs and to assist you implement action to meet these needs. Our role is to facilitate, mentor and coach you in this process supplementing your knowledge and experience with ours to achieve the required results.

Our Consulting Services generally fall into the following areas:

Business Planning & Management

Our approach to business direction and management is to assist you to establish and define clearly your business values, objectives, performance measures, outcomes and targets. We also assist with the development of:

  • Strategic and business plans
  • Specific plans
    • Resources
    • Personnel
    • Quality/Safety/Environmental
  • Project plans (operational/resources/quality/safety/environment)
  • Specific action plans for improvement e.g. training, maintenance, procurement, business, team effectiveness.
  • Emergency/Disaster/Fire Plans
  • Business Continuity Management/planning
  • Communication Plans.

Part of the process in developing the above is not just completing the documents but facilitating/coaching the team (collectively/individually) in understanding the process. What needs to be done and why. This also includes establishing the context, facts, etc, before putting together the final document. Part of this is gaining an understanding of how these plans drive the development of the underlying and supporting policies and processes to achieve the plan/s, how to effectively monitor progress, the effectiveness of the plan and how to adjust if things change. It also covers how to allocate responsibilities/authorities/accountabilities for implementing the plan/s overall or components of the plan/s.

Above all we facilitate the gaining of ownership and active involvement by all key personnel. We do have templates, questionnaires etc that can help in this process. We can also carry out specific auditing and director assurance processes to give formal feedback on the effectiveness of achieving the plan/s, objectives etc. Part of the process includes defining what potential risks may impact achieving the defined objectives either positively or negatively.

Corporate Governance

Working with Directors and Management to identify corporate governance requirements and developing suitable strategies and policies to achieve effective governance at director and operational level. All work is based on Australian Standards Series AS 8000 series. (fraud/corruption control, code of conduct, corporate social responsibility whistleblower protection). ASX principles and Corporate Governance guidelines. Australian Institute of Company Directors – Directors Guide and Duties and Australian Standards Handbook HB 254 and HB158 Guide to Control Assurances. Australian Charities Not for Profit Commission Guidelinesthe Federal Legislation “Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013” and other widely accepted National and World Standards.

This work involves integrating Governance, Compliance, Risk, Assurance, Continuity and planning by establishing a suitable overall framework and supporting policies, procedures, defined responsibilities/ Authority/Accountability, This is done at Corporate, Board and Management level. We have templates available to guide this process. We also have a variety of training sessions available for directors and senior managers. As part of the process we also advise on, and incorporate the key duties/obligations for directors and senior managers.

Our approach is a combination of mentoring/coaching/facilitating/education to gain understanding and empower the team and individuals to understand the underlying principals/concepts and how to apply to your business/organisation. We can also carry out assessments/audits to assess the effectiveness of your governance, compliance, risk, assurance framework and supporting policies, procedures/processes.

Risk/Compliance Management

We work to the latest standard AS/NZS IS0 31000 Risk Management; AS 3806 Compliance; HB 158/HB 254 Control Assurance;HB293/HB221 Business Continuity.We conduct compliance and risk management reviews for business overall, projects, process, activities and individual jobs. We can also conduct risk exposure identification/analysis (including hazards/HACCP). In addition we can assist you in the following areas.

  • Developing an integrated Compliance//Risk/Assurance/Continuity Framework.
  • Establish Assurance Framework for Director and Management level
  • Developing compliance & Risk Profiles – Business, operations and projects
  • Conducting Compliance and Internal Audits
  • Developing Procedures/Systems (integrated into your existing system)
  • Training

Our approach is to assist/facilitate/coach you and your team understand the interrelationship between Governance, Compliance, Risk, Assurance, Continuity Direction Setting and the principles/concepts underlying each of these and how to apply these effectively into your organisation; how these support your constitution/charter, strategic direction and how these drive the development/implementation of your policies, system/procedures.

We assist you to apply at strategic/business and operational levels. We also ensure all understand the application at Director, Senior/Middle/Frontline management at workforce level. We have a range of templates, questionnaires that can be used by you to facilitate the process. We also have a range of formal and informal training packages available for Directors, Managers, supervisors and workforce

Business Continuity

This service is based on Australian Standards HB221:2004 (Business Continuity Management) and AS/NZS IS0 31001 Risk Management,The British Standard and the British Continuity Institute guidelines.

This process is linked directly to Compliance and Risk Management. It involves identifying potential risks and possible impact on your business and then developing systems, strategies and plans to prevent these eventuating, minimising their impact and ensuring the business recovers. Ensuring successful recovery and regaining control during a situation that is impacting your business involves developing business continuity, management systems for your business overall and each branch/department and incorporates associated communication plans and specific emergency recovery plans.

We have templates available to facilitate this process. We also have a range of training packages available that can be delivered at Director/Senior Management levels. We can also assist with planning and conducting scenario exercises to trial your Plan and trial Management/Staff in applying the plan.

Integrated Management System

Our unique integrated business management systems (being used in over 40 organisations across all industry groups since 1994) are formalised systems for the management and operation of organisations or business. We are proud to say that our integrated system has achieved 3rd party certification – JASANZ for a number of our clients The concept of the system is subject to “Patent Pending”. Our system is not a generic system; we focus on your key business functions and activities (what you do and how you do it), building in the requirements, principles and elements of the following Australian Standards and Legislation:

  • Quality Management – AS/NZS ISO9001:2008
  • Safety – Legislative Requirements – AS/NZS4801:2001
  • Environmental – Legislative Requirements – AS/NZS ISO14001:2004
  • Human Resources – Legislative Requirements
  • Risk/Compliance – AS/3806:2010 – AS/NZS ISO31000
  • Food Safety (where applicable) – SQF2000, AS/NZS ISO 9000 series – Legislative Requirements – HACCP Plans
  • Compensation & Rehabilitation – Legislative Requirements

The system formalises how you manage and operate your business in the key business functional areas of Information technology, Procurement, Asset Maintenance (facilities/plant/equipment),Human Resources, Finance, Administration, Marketing, Business Direction/planning/reporting etc. It covers all levels of your business and is made up of procedures/work instruction, checklists, forms etc.

Once developed and customised it enables individuals, at all levels, to carry out their job and to effectively govern, direct, manage, and operate your business/organisation. If maintained, fully implemented and improved it provides a foundation on which to demonstrate “Due Diligence”. It also adds value to your business in establishing a consistent approach even when staff leave and should you wish to sell your business. It has been successfully applied across all industries, including Government, Semi Government and Not for Profit.

If you already have a formal or informal system we incorporate yours and our systems into one. It is designed to be used electronically however once developed you will need to engage an IT expert to ensure it is fully applied into your IT system.

We have a range of templates, questionnaires and training packages available for directors / managers / supervisors / workforce to assist in the above process. Our approach is to facilitate/coach/mentor you in the process, achieve understanding and ownership.

We assist you to define what it is you want to achieve, help you to identify what processes you have in place (formal or informal)and to define what standard you want to achieve.


Quality Management

We work to the latest standard AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008. We can provide and assist you with your Quality needs in the following ways:

  • Conducting Certification, Internal and Project Audits
  • Upgrading QA systems to new standard and integrate into your Business Systems
  • Facilitating Management Reviews
  • Developing Inspection Test Plans, Quality Plans
  • Quality Training
  • Assistance with preparing tenders.
Safety Management

We work to the latest standard AS/NZS 4801:2001 & the Workplace Health & Safety Act and Regulations, Electrical Safety Act and Regulation and other specific legislation relating to safety that may apply to your organisation. We can provide and assist you with your safety needs in the following ways:

  • Training
  • Conducting Internal, Compliance and Project Audits
  • Developing Health & Safety Plans (Business and for projects)
  • Incident/Accident Investigations
  • Upgrading Safety systems to new standard
  • Provide WHS Co-ordinator for projects role
  • Analyse incidents and data in relation to safety to identify trends
  • Development of specific procedures
  • Development of Project/Construction Safety Plans and Work Method Statements
  • Assistance with preparing tenders
  • Conducting Risk Assessments (Projects/Department or specific activities)
  • Establishing Health programs, medicals and rehabilitation systems
  • Developing emergency and Business Continuity plans including training and drills
  • Qld Gov. accredited PQC Safety Audits
  • Assist in preparation for third party certification audits.
Environmental Management

We work to the latest standard AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 & the Environmental Protection Act and Regulations. We can provide and assist you with your Environmental needs in the following ways:

  • Conducting Compliance and Internal Audits
  • Upgrading Environmental systems to new standard
  • Developing Environmental Plans
  • Developing Procedures
  • Conducting Risk Assessments
  • Developing Emergency Plans
  • Training
  • Assist in preparation for third party certification audits
Food Safety & HACCP

We work to the latest standard SQF2000, AS/NZS ISO 9000 series & Food Safety and Hygiene Act and Regulations. We can provide and assist you with your Food Safety needs in the following ways:

  • HACCP Plans
  • Conducting Compliance, Certification and Internal Audits
  • Developing Procedures
  • Training

We are also an accredited Dept of Health (Qld) Food Safety Auditor.

Human Resource Management

We provide guidance and assistance with all your Human Resources needs. Let us be your Business Mentor in the following way:

  • Recruitment & placement process
  • Rehabilitation and case management
  • Incident reporting
  • Discrimination & Harassment
  • Specific training – team building etc.
  • Development of Position Descriptions and related documentation
  • Conducting Compliance/Internal Audits
  • Review of responsibilities/accountabilities in relation to award
  • Counselling discipline process
  • Development of Procedures
  • Training needs and plans
Business Improvement/Trouble Shooting and Team effectiveness

As businesses grow/mature at times they experience problems with their team, the way they manage, direct, plan and operate their business. This can occur for various reasons.

It is at times like this that outside help may be needed.

Our approach is to come in and review what you are currently doing, interview staff and Management and observe what is being done to identify what is happening and why, and what needs to be done to address the issues or to improve the business.

We engage with your Board, Management and workforce to establish a course of action to gain a turn-around or the desired improvement.

Once diagnosed, we then work with you and your team to gain the agreed improvement. The process covers the Organisation overall and each aspect of the Organisation.

It is based on building trust, open communication and gaining understanding. It is looking at and defining what is going on and why and defining how best to address / rectify/ Improve.

Central to this is looking at the culture of the Organisation and how effective communication, consultation and information sharing is at all levels.